用事實說話,看“歪果仁”是如何利用HT2800T搞科研發(fā)論文的。 應(yīng)用一:《用金屬氧化物氣體傳感器S3裝置鑒別特級初榨橄欖油的質(zhì)量和地理來源》 特級初榨橄欖油(EVOO)因其價格昂貴、營養(yǎng)價值高,是更常見的摻假食品之一,歐盟也出臺了一項立法,以維護一些與生產(chǎn)區(qū)域有關(guān)的EVOOs商標(biāo),因此,監(jiān)測和確保EVOO的質(zhì)量和地理來源很重要。利用HT2800T頂空模式與氣相色譜儀聯(lián)用,結(jié)合其他金屬傳感器系統(tǒng)完成初榨橄欖油的色譜分析及在線檢測,根據(jù)所得結(jié)果判斷EVOO的質(zhì)量及地理來源。 涉及進樣及色譜方法原文如下: The complex set of data acquired from the S3 sensors response to the volatile organic compounds originating from the EVOO headspace were analyzed through a multivariate analysis PCA and ANN. The measurements were performed in an autosampler HT2800T (HTA srl, Brescia, Italy) . For this, 5mL of olive oil samples were enclosed in 20mL vials and placed randomly in the autosampler. The sample headspace was drawn out from the vial and injected at 1mL/min into a chromatographic air flow (50 sccm). The injection time was 2min and the recovery time was 5min.
應(yīng)用二:《蘋果酒的品質(zhì)取決于必需無機鹽》 在發(fā)酵前向酵母中添加適量的無機鹽有助于促進酵母的生長改進整個工藝流程,使得產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量更高,為了評估蘋果酒必須補充無機鹽(NH4)2SO4, MgSO4,(NH4)3PO4對釀酒參數(shù)、抗氧化活性、總多酚含量的影響用各種酵母菌株發(fā)酵的揮發(fā)性蘋果酒化合物。文中檢測揮發(fā)性有機物使用了PE的氣相色譜與HTA的HT2800T,SPME進樣模式。 涉及進樣及色譜方法原文如下: Analysis of Volatile Compounds A sample of 2mL was placed into a 15-mL headspace vial, and 50μL of internal standard solution (5mg/L of ethyl nonanoate) was added. Then, the SPME (solid-phase microextraction) fiber (85μm Carboxen Polydime thylsiloxane, Supelco, St. Louis, MO, USA) was placed in the headspace above the sample, and the vial was incubated for 30min at 40℃. The fiber was subjected to thermal desorption in a gas chromatograph injector at 250℃. The chromatographic separation was carried out on a Clarus 580 apparatus (PerkinElmer, Waltham,MA, USA) and a Crossbond dimethyl polysiloxane 60 m, 0.25mm, 1.4μm film thickness column. The carrier gas flow (He) was 2mL/min, with the following temperature program: 35℃, 6min;8℃/min up to 180℃; 12℃/min up to220℃; 25min. The detector and dispenser temperature was 250℃. An HT2800T autosampler (HTA Brescia, Italy) was used,and PerkinElmer Total Chrom 6.3.2 software (PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA, USA) was used to integrate the results.
應(yīng)用三:《在蘋果酒生產(chǎn)的不同階段必需氧對釀酒參數(shù)、抗氧化活性和揮發(fā)性化合物的影響》 微氧作用可能會影響成品酒精飲料的質(zhì)量,不同發(fā)酵階段的微氧作用對不同酵母菌株發(fā)酵的揮發(fā)性蘋果酒的釀造參數(shù)、抗氧化活性、總多酚含量影響不同。經(jīng)微氧處理的蘋果酒提取物濃度較高,酸度較高,效力較低。必須氧化在發(fā)酵過程中降低了揮發(fā)性成分的濃度。發(fā)酵過程中必須菌的氧化作用對蘋果酒中萜類化合物的濃度有不同程度的影響。文中檢測揮發(fā)性物質(zhì)同樣也是利用了HT2800T的SPME進樣模式。 涉及進樣及色譜方法原文如下: Analysis of Volatile Compounds The volatile compounds were determined using a modified Grützman et al. method. A sample of 2mL was placed into a 15mL headspace vial, and 50μL of an internal standard solution (5mg/L of ethyl nonanoate) was added. Then a solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fiber was placed in the headspace above the sample, and the vial was incubated for 30 minutes at 40℃. The fiber was subjected to thermal desorption in a gas chromatographic injector at 250℃. The chromatographic separation was carried out on a Clarus 580 apparatus equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and a Crossbond dimethylpolysiloxane column (60m in length, 0.25 mm of inner diameter, 1.4μm of film thickness). The carrier gas flow (He) was 2mL/min, and the temperature program was: 35℃, 6 min;8℃/min up to 180℃; 12℃/min up to 220℃; 25 min. The inlet and FID temperature was 250℃. An HT2800T autosampler (HTA Brescia, Italy) was used, and PerkinElmer Total Chrom 6.3.2 software(PerkinElmer, Walthman, MA, USA) was used to integrate the results. Identification was performed based on the retention times compared with those of the standards for the volatile compounds, and quantification was carried out by internal standardization, using 4-methyl-2-pentanol (alcohols) and ethyl nonanoate (esters) as the internal standards. The standard solutions were prepared in synthetic wine (20g/L sucrose, 5g/L tartaric acid, 10% ethanol). All experiments were performed in triplicate. 好的儀器不僅可以幫我們完成科研或質(zhì)檢工作;提高工作效率;提供準(zhǔn)確可信的實驗數(shù)據(jù);發(fā)論文都離不開她。你想做“裝備控”嗎?